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Event and Listing Tips


Event and Listing Tips

It's free to add a basic event to Tasguide. All you need to do is register here and then add your event.

To add a premium event, or a directory listing you'll need to be a member. Check our membership page to choose the right plan for you.

Tips for adding an event

Please read the tips below before submitting an event.

The Submit an Event Form asks for information about your event, including the title, category, location, dates, description, contact and booking details, and social media links. The form also asks for a cover image for the event.

Once you have added your event infomration you will be asked to preview the event. If it looks correct, make sure you submit it for approval.

Some of the specific information you will need to provide includes:

  • My Event Title: This is the title of your event. Be sure to choose a descriptive and catchy title that accurately reflects the theme or focus of your event.
  • Event Organiser: This is the name of the person or organization responsible for organizing the event.
  • Choose A Category: This is the category that best describes your event. Some options might include arts, festivals, food & wine, holidays, multicultural, music, performing arts, and youth
  • Tags: This is the current status of your event. Options might include "sold out" "cancelled", or "date updated.".
  • Audience: This is the target audience for your event. Some options might include all ages, families, adults, or children.
  • Set The Location: This is the location where your event will take place. If your event is online, you can select "This is an online event" and skip the location field. If your event is in-person, you will need to enter an address manually.
  • Date: This is the date of your event. If your event is a single date event, you will only need to provide one date. If your event is a recurring event, you will need to select "RECURRING DATES" and provide multiple dates.
  • Start Time: This is the start time of your event.
  • End Time: This is the end time of your event.
  • Description: This is a brief description of your event. Be sure to include details about the theme, purpose, or focus of your event, as well as any other important information that people should know.
  • Contact Phone Number: This is the phone number that people can use to contact you with questions or concerns about your event.
  • Contact Mobile Number: This is an optional field for providing an additional phone number for people to contact you.
  • Contact Email Address: This is the email address that people can use to contact you with questions or concerns about your event.
  • Event Website URL: This is the URL of the website for your event, if you have one.
  • Ticket Booking URL: This is the URL for the page where people can purchase tickets for your event, if you are selling tickets.
  • Facebook Page URL: This is the URL of your event's Facebook page, if you have one.
  • Instagram URL: This is the URL of your event's Instagram page, if you have one.
  • LinkedIn URL: This is the URL of your event's LinkedIn page, if you have one
  • Twitter URL: This is the URL of your event's Twitter page, if you have one.
  • YouTube Channel URL: This is the URL of your event's YouTube channel, if you have one.
  • Cover Image: This is the main image that will be displayed on the event page. Be sure to choose an image.

Tips for adding a listing

Please read the tips below before you proceed.

Adding your Listing


Business Details
  • Name (required) - Put the name of your business
  • Primary Business Address - This field is mandatory, but if you don't service clients at your address you can choose not to display your address.
  • Region - Which area of Tasmania are you located. This will help people find local listings (East, North, North West, South, West Coast)
Business Description (required)

Describe your business or service in a few paragraphs. You don’t need to add links here, they will be added later. If you paste from another program make sure to use the clear formatting tool.

Contact Details (optional)
  • Phone number - your primary business phone number
  • Email address
  • Website URL
  • Primary Online Shop URL - If you have an online shop
Social links (optional)

Enter the links to each of your social media accounts. Make sure to put in the full URL including https://.

Cover Image (required)

This image will be visible in the search results. Do not add a logo here, but a picture of your business, service or something relevant. A landscape picture (wider than it is tall) in a standard photo format (jpg, png, gif) that is less than 4MB but is at least 600px by 600px.

Gallery images

Add up to 10 more images of your business or services here. Users will be able to view the images in a gallery.

Once you press submit you can preview your listing. From here you can save a draft of the listing to amend it further or send it to a What’s On Cardinia Admin for approval. Once approved it will be live.


Updating your Listing

You can see all of your listings under My Listings. From here you can choose to Edit your event or Reject it to unpublish it. If you have more than one listing they will all be listed here.

Listing statuses are:

  • Live - Approved listing publicly available
  • Draft - A listing that has not been submitted to Admins for approval.
  • Rejected - A listing that has been reviewed and rejected by an Admin