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Eritrean Coffee Ceremony

Selam will present a traditional Eritrean coffee ceremony to the group. In this workshop you will learn about the significance of sharing stories over coffee and the importance of each element, from roasting the coffee beans to the table settings and snacks.

Selam has been living in Tasmania for 8 years. She is passionate about food from her homeland, Eritrea, and has recently launched a small business focusing on Eritrean fruit smoothies and traditional coffee with ginger. She loves sharing stories with people through food and drink. Day-to-day Selam is an Aged Care worker who also spends time helping other people in her community as an interpreter.

This event is suitable for people 15 years and older. Eritrean coffee is delicious but does contain caffeine.


Please arrive on time - or better yet, a little early, as all sessions will start on time. There will be additional coffee and tea available while you wait, and you may even get to see the results of other workshops!

There is plenty of parking onsite and the venue is accessible, with accessible toilets. If you have any questions please email us at or call 03 6217 9607.


FREE – $15 AUD

Category Food & Wine

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